Investment Strategies

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Amarog Capital facilitates the private placement of new bonds in infrastructure and development capital projects. The placement process requires the participation of several market participants. The summary of the roles of different participants in the Amarog Capital Private Placement process is set out below.

Project Sponsors

Project Sponsors are governments and companies that require capital to construct new assets or refinance existing assets. Amarog Capital works with a wide range of private companies and national and local governments.

Tailoring of financing choice to project needs

Structuring the right debt and equity component for infrastructure projects to be financed as each market has different inherent features. Amarog Capital delivers the optimal financing structure for each market while fulfilling all the project’s requirements. These structures includes the flexibility to accommodate changes to circumstances over the life of the project and the degree to which the tenors and interest rate structures are offered.


Amarog Capital and its affiliates has a wide range of investors who are currently in the market to place funds in new bond issuances. They range from large institutions such as banks and insurance companies to medium sized funds, sovereign wealth funds and private family offices, some of which have hundreds of billions of assets under management. All Amarog Capital Private Placement investors will undergo KYC and AML checks and have been chosen on the basis of their reputational strength and interest in this asset class

Amarog Capital Private Placement Instruments

What projects are suitable for Amarog Capital Private Placement?

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